Today, I visited the secondary school for the first time. I met many of the young women with which I will be working. In Colombia, middle school and high school are not separated. There is primary school, like elementary school, and secondary school. Also, there only 11 grades, not 12. All of the students are girls, and they have to wear a uniform. The girls were beautiful, inside and out. At the school, I will be working with the English teacher and the philosophy teacher. I start on Thursday; I am very excited!
Since then, I have been at the house listening to more Colombian music with Duvan. Vallenato is a popular style of music that is uniquely Colombian. Instruments include the piano, accordion, and guitar. Reggaeton is another very popular style, similar to Daddy Yankee and some of Pitbull's music in the U.S.
Yesterday, I met the EPs from Poland and Switzerland. However, both women work with a different TN. On the first day, I met the EP from Brazil, and I will be working with her for my TN. Hopefully, I will meet the EP from Germany soon. He is the only male EP here!
Tomorrow, I will finally visit the University of Magdalena and a bunch more AIESECers. We will also prepare for my first session with the students on Saturday. Very exciting!
Soon, I believe the LC is planning a celebration for the graduating members in the style of an American prom. Also, there is a National conference in June that I hope to attend! :D
My hopes: to improve my Spanish every day, to spend plenty of time with the students and my fellow AIESECers, and to experience all of the city as a resident, not as a visitor.
A little more about the culture:
Here, the community is very tight knit. Everything is very personal, very close contact. You greet each other with hugs and kisses. You ask about everything, including the love life lol There is not the social distance that we experience in America, that uncomfortable personal bubble.
I am becoming more and more accustomed to the friendly and intimate atmosphere.
Also, everyone here is so beautiful. The dark hair, dark eyes, tanned skin, friendly smiles. I have fallen in love with the city, the country, the life. I really hope to assimilate more.
I have also seen signs of American influence. There is a Power Rangers sticker on the closet door in my room. Earlier today, I watched Friends and Dragon Ball Z. So kool! Also, there are occasional signs in Spanglish.
Dogs are also very common, but primarily small dogs. Many run wild in the streets. My dogs would seem like GIANTS in comparison!
The not-so-great aspects:
It is VERY hot. You sweat all the time. You feel sticky and smelly. All the time. I have already developed a rash on my chest from all the sweat and dirt. I hope it will go away soon, though. Also, the poverty. Imagine poverty everywhere. Around every street corner. In the eyes of the blind beggars, in the faces of the small children, in the enduring smiles of those waiting for positive change in a city run by corrupt officials.
Regardless, I am so happy to be here. My adoptive family is amazing: Duvan, Jose, David, y Snr y Snra Barros. They treat me like part of the family :)
Anywho, that is all for now!
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